Alexa User Survey Analysis
Context and Background
UX Research Assignment:
I performed a cluster analysis to understand the different segments of users. Analysis indicated 3 clusters was the best fit, which broke out into the net-promoters, more satisfied non-promoters, and the dissatisfied non-promoters. Meaningful differences were found between the groups. See the assignment prompt below.
Assignment Prompt:
You work for Amazon on the Echo devices ("Alexa") team. They have noticed that some users are very satisfied with their Echo while other users are dissatisfied. The marketing department ran a survey to try to answer some of these questions.
They would like to know either the type of user who will like the Echo (and market specifically to that user) or figure out ways to satisfy disgruntled users. This survey is the first step in a larger research project to increase the satisfaction of Echo users.
Deliver whatever insights you can (at least 5 bullet points, decriptives and results of statistical tests) in an executive summary. Describe what could be happening, and make a recommendation for follow-up research.
At least 2 different statistical tests
Report Confidence Intervals for means and percentages
Submit a one-page summary
Submit a write up of your analysis (up to 5 pts extra credit)
Extra Credit: very thorough analysis
Extra Credit: more than 3 different types of tests
Extra Credit: trying out advanced techniques